Andriy Durygin Headshot

Assistant Teaching Professor

2003 – 2005 Post-Doctoral Fellow, CeSMEC, Florida International University
1996 – 2002 PhD in Physics. Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland

PhD thesis: “Optical and electrical properties of defects in selected oxide crystals”
Supervisor Prof. Andrzej Suchocki

1989 – 1994 Specialist (5 years program) in Electrical Engineering. Lviv Politechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine, Diploma thesis: “Investigation of defects in oxide crystals”

Supervisor Prof. Andriy Matkovskii

Professional experience
2005- Research Engineer CeSMEC, Florida International University
2019- Adjunct Faculty, MME, Florida International University
2012-2020 Adjunct Faculty, Miami Dade College
1994 – 1996 Engineer, Institute of Materials, Scientific Research Company “Carat” in department of Oxide Crystals, Lviv, Ukraine
Scientific areas of interest
Optical materials in general, laser and optoelectronic materials,  application of high pressure, high temperature techniques in material science and engineering. Nanodiamond and diamond like materials. Optical and physical properties of oxide materials, nano-ceramic, spectroscopy of d- and f- ions, high pressure spectroscopy, physical properties of materials at high pressure and temperature. Hydrogen storage materials, clean energy.
Procedural expertise
Experience in high pressure techniques: diamond-anvils cell and piston cylinder.

Experience in X-ray powder diffraction using synchrotron radiation and high power rotation-anode generators.

Experience in operation of continuous-wave and pulsed solid state, diode and gas lasers.

Experience in spectroscopy techniques: Raman spectroscopy, absorption, photoluminescence, thermo stimulated luminescence; transient absorption spectroscopy, photoconductivity of dielectric materials, laser heating of materials, laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy. Clean room. Optical microscopy.

Experience in operating of vacuum, cryogenic and high temperature equipment.

CADs: AUTOCAD, SolidWorks, KiCAD.

Experience in data acquisition and analysis, automation of measurement experimental setups and writing the programs in LabView. Programming of microcontrollers.

Web design: HTML and PHP. Databases: MySQL.

Teaching experience
2019- EML 4804, EML  5505,  EGN 1110C
2012 -2020 PHY1025, PHY1004, AST1002, PSC1515, PHY2049
Undergraduate Course:
EML 4804 –  Introduction to Mechatronics
EGN1110C  – Engineering Drawing
Graduate Course:
EML 5505 – Smart Machine Design and Development
Journal Papers:
Mora Mendoza, E. Y., Sarmiento Santos, A., Vera López, E., Drozd, V., Durygin, A., Chen, J., & Saxena, S. K. (2021). Siderite decomposition at room temperature conditions for CO2 capture applications. Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering.
Casallas Caicedo, F. M., Vera López, E., Agarwal, A., Drozd, V., Durygin, A., Franco Hernandez, A., & Wang, C. (2020). Synthesis of graphene oxide from graphite by ball milling. Diamond and Related Materials, 109, 108064.
Awadallah, A. Durygin, and Z. Cheng, “Unveiling the Phase Evolution of Sol–Gel Sulfurized Cu2ZnSnS4Thin Films in ppm-Level H2S: From Binary Sulfides to Quaternary Cu-Zn-Sn-S System,” J. Electron. Mater., Oct. 2020, doi: 10.1007/s11664-020-08539-3.
Francy Mayoli Casallas Caicedo, Enrique Vera López, Arvind Agarwal, Vadym Drozd, Andriy Durygin, Alexander Franco Hernandez, Chunlei Wang,., “Synthesis of graphene oxide from graphite by ball milling,” Diam. Relat. Mater., vol. 109, p. 108064, Nov. 2020, doi: 10.1016/j.diamond.2020.108064.
Belisario, S. Mondal, I.Khakpour, A. F. Hernandez, A. Durygin, and Z. Cheng, “Synthesis and flash sintering of (Hf1-xZrx)B2solid solution powders,” J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., Dec. 2020, doi: 10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2020.12.015.
Mora Mendoza, E. Y., Sarmiento Santos, A., Vera López, E., Drozd, V., Durygin, A., Chen, J. and Saxena, S. K. (2019) ‘Siderite Formation by Mechanochemical and High Pressure–High Temperature Processes for CO2 Capture Using Iron Ore as the Initial Sorbent’, Processes, 7(10), p. 735. doi: 10.3390/pr7100735
Mora Mendoza, E. Y., Sarmiento Santos, A., Vera López, E., Drozd, V., Durygin, A., Chen, J. and Saxena, S. K. (2019) ‘Iron oxides as efficient sorbents for CO2 capture’, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 8(3), pp. 2944–2956. doi: 10.1016/j.jmrt.2019.05.002.
Najiba, S., Juhl, S. J., Mandal, M., Liu, C., Durygin, A., Chen, J., Fei, Y., Alem, N. and Landskron, K. (2019) ‘Synthesis of nanopolycrystalline mesoporous diamond from periodic mesoporous carbon: Mesoporosity increases with increasing synthesis pressure’, Scripta Materialia. Elsevier Ltd, 162, pp. 350–354. doi: 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2018.10.024.
Sabarou, H., Drozd, V., Awadallah, O., Durygin, A., Darvish, S., Huang, D. and Zhong, Y. (2019) ‘Structural investigation of oxygen stoichiometry during thermocycles in PMN-28PT’, Journal of Alloys and Compounds. Elsevier B.V, 784, pp. 592–602. doi: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2018.12.358.
Upal Roy, Vadym Drozd, Andriy Durygin, Jesse Rodriguez, Paul Barber, Venkata Atluri, Xiaohua Liu, Thomas G Voss, Surendra Saxena, and Madhavan Nair Characterization of Nanodiamond-based anti-HIV drug Delivery to the Brain, Scientific Report Scientific Report svolume 8, Article number: 1603 (2018)
Kumar, V. Drozd, A. Durygin, S.K. Saxena, Capturing CO2Emissions in the Iron Industries using a Magnetite-Iron Mixture, Energy Technol. 4 (2016) 560–564. doi:10.1002/ente.201500451
Akhtar, M. Menon, M. Sunkara, G.Sumanasekera, A. Durygin, J.B.Jasinski, High-pressure synthesis of rhombohedral α-AgGaO2 via direct solid state reaction, J. Alloys Compd. 641 (2015) 87–92. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2015.04.051.
Drozd, V ; Durygin, A; Saxena, S; Antonov, VE; Tkacz, M   Properties of Ti3AlH6 and Ti3AlD6 systems at high pressure studied by synchrotron X-ray diffraction analysis, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 619, 78-81 (2015) DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2014.09.039
Najiba, S ; Chen, JH ; Drozd, V ; Durygin, A  ; Sun, YZ  Ammonia borane at low temperature down to 90 K and high pressure up to 15 GPa INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 38, 4628-4635 (2013) DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2012.11.041
Garimella, S; Drozd, V  ; Durygin, A  ; Chen, JH  High pressure Raman and x-ray diffraction studies on the decomposition of tungsten carbonyl  JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 111, 112606 (2012) DOI: 10.1063/1.4726196
Najiba, S; Chen, JH; Drozd, V; Durygin, A; Sun, YZ Tetragonal to orthorhombic phase transition of ammonia borane at low temperature and high pressure JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 111, 112618 (2012) DOI: 10.1063/1.4726236
Kaminska A.; Buczko R.; Paszkowicz W.; Przybylińska H.; Werner-Malento E.; Suchocki A.; Brik M.; Durygin A.; Drozd V.; Saxena S. Merging of the 4F3/2 level states of Nd3+ ions in the photoluminescence spectra of gadolinium-gallium garnets under high pressure Phys. Rev. B 84, 075483 (2011) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.84.075483
Durygin A.,   Drozd V.,   Paszkowicz W.,   Werner-Malento E.,  Buczko R.,  Kaminska A., Saxena S.,   Suchocki A.,  Equation of state for gadolinium gallium garnet crystals: Experimental and computational study APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS,  95, 41902, (2009), DOI: 10.1063/1.3237163
Kaminska A, Kaczor P, Durygin A, Suchocki A, Grinberg M. Low-temperature highpressure spectroscopy of lanthanum lutetium gallium garnet crystals doped with Cr3+ and Nd3+. Physical Review B-Condensed Matter, vol.65, no.10, 1 March 2002, pp.104106/1-8
Lyci George, Vadym Drozd, Andriy Durygin, Jiuhua Chen, Surendra K. Saxena Bulk modulus and thermal expansion coefficient of mechano-chemically synthesized Mg2FeH6 from high temperature and high pressure studies International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 34, 3410-3416 (2009) doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2009.02.043
Alwarappan S, Prabhulkar S, Durygin A, Li CZ,The Effect of Electrochemical Pretreatment on the Sensing Performance of Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes, JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY, 9,  2991-2996  (2009) DOI: 10.1106/jnn.2009.021
Garimella SV, Drozd V, Durygin A,  High-Pressure Raman Study on the Decomposition of Polycrystalline Molybdenum Hexacarbonyl, JOURNAL OF INORGANIC AND ORGANOMETALLIC POLYMERS AND MATERIALS, 19 ,  415-421   ( 2009) DOI: 10.1007/s10904-009-9267-7
Vennila RS, Durygin A, Merlini M, Wang Z, Saxena SK   Phase stability of TiH2 under high pressure and temperatures International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,  33, 6667-6671 (2008)
Surendra K Saxena, Vadym Drozd and Andriy Durygin A fossil-fuel based recipe for clean energy International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 33 2008( 3625-3631)
Subrahmanyam V. Garimella, Vadym Drozd and Andriy Durygin High-pressure Raman study on the decomposition of crystalline Cr(CO)6  Chemical Physics Letters, Volume 454, Issues 4-6, 20 March 2008, Pages 242-246
Ya Zhydachevskii, A Durygin, V Drozd, A Suchocki, D Sugak and J Wrobel Structural and spectroscopic properties of Mn-doped YAlO 3ceramics J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 20 No 9 (5 March 2008) 095204 (8pp)
Drozd, S. Saxena, S. V. Garimella, A. Durygin Hydrogen release from a mixture of NaBH4andMg(OH)2 International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 32 (2007) 3370 – 3375
K. Saxena,V.Drozd,A.Durygin, Synthesis of metal hydride from water, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 32 (13): 2501-2503 (2007)
A.Suchocki, W. Paszkowicz and A. Kamińska, A. Durygin, S. K. Saxena, L. Arizmendi and V. Bermudez, Influence of Stoichiometry on Phase Transition Pressure of LiNbO3, Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 261908 (2006)
Ya. Zhydachevskii, D. Galanciak, Ya. Zakharko, A. Durygin, Photoluminescence studies of Mn4+ ions in YAlO3 crystals at ambient and high pressure J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 18 (2006) 11385–11396
Zinkevich, S.Geupel, F. Aldinger, A. Durygin, S.K. Saxena, Mei Yang and Zi-Kui Liu, Phase diagram and thermodynamics of the La2O3–Ga2O3 system revisited Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Volume 67, Issue 8, 2006, Pages 1901-1907
Zhydachevskii, Ya. ; Durygin, A.; Suchocki, A.; Matkovskii, A.; Sugak, D.; Bilski, P.; Warchol, S. Mn-doped YAlO3 crystal: a new potential TLD phosphor, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research, Section B, Volume 227, Issue 4, 2005 , Pages 545-550
Aitasalo, T. ; Durygin, A.; Holsa, J.; Lastusaari, M.; Niittykoski, J.; Suchocki, A Low temperature thermoluminescence properties of Eu3+ and R3+ doped CaAl2O4, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 380, Issue 1-2, 2004 , Pages 4-8
Ya. Zhydachevskii, A. Durygin , A. Suchocki, A. Matkovskii, D. Sugak, G. B. Loutts and M. A. Noginov Radiation and thermally induced effects in YAlO3 :Mn crystals Journal of Luminescence, V 109, Issue 1, 39-49 (2004)
Ya. Zhydachevskii, A. Durygin, A. Suchocki, A. Matkovskii, D. Sugak and Z. Frukacz Thermoluminescence of doped YAlO3 crystals, Phys. stat. sol. (c) 1, No. 2, 312–316 (2004)
Sugak D, Durygin A, Matkovskii A, Suchocki A, Solskii I, Savitskii D, Zhydachevskii Ya, Wallrafen F, Kopczynski K. Optical and luminescence properties of YAlO3-Tm crystals . Crystal Research & Technology, vol.36, no.11, 2001, pp.1223-9.
Durygin A, Suchocki A, Arizmendi L, Berkowski M. Spectroscopy of defect centers in LaGaO3 crystals. Journal of Alloys & Compounds, vol.323-324, 12 July 2001, pp.696-700.
Sugak D, Matkovskii A, Savitskii D, Durygin A, Suchocki A, Zhydachevskii Y, Solskii I, Stefaniuk I, Wallrafen F. Growth and induced color centers in YAlO3-Nd single crystals. Physica Status Solidi A, vol.184, no.1, 16 March 2001, pp.239-50
Durygin A, Suchocki A, Matkovskii A, Sugak D. Photoconductivity of YAlO3 and YAlO3:Nd crystals. Radiation Effects & Defects in Solids, vol.149, no.1-4, 1999, pp.347- 51.
Matkovskii A, Durygin A, Suchocki A, Sugak D, Wallrafen F, Vakiv M. Radiation defects in oxide crystals doped with rare earth ions. Radiation Effects & Defects in Solids, vol.150, no.1-4, 1999, pp.591-5.
Sugak D, Durygin A, Matkovskii A, Suchocki A, Savitskii D, Wallrafen F, Solskii I, Frukacz Z, Zhydachevskii Y. Transient optical processes in YAP crystals induced by UV light pulses.Proceedings of Spie vol.3724, 1999, pp.358-61
Suchocki A, Arizmendi L, Durygin A, Berkowski M. Light-induced grating spectroscopy studies of hole transport in LaGaO3 crystals. Physical Review B-Condensed Matter, vol.60, no.24, 15 Dec. 1999, pp.16415-22.
Sugak D, Matkovskii A, Durygin A, Suchocki A, Solskii I, Ubizskii S, Kopczynski K, Mierczyk Z, Potera P. Influence of color centers on optical and lasing properties of the gadolinium gallium garnet single crystals doped with Nd3+ ions. Journal of Luminescence, vol.82, no.1, 1 July 1999, pp.9-15.
Matkovski A, Durygin A, Suchocki A, Sugak D, Neuroth G, Wallrafen F, Grabovski V, Solski I. Photo and gamma induced color centers in the YAlO3 and YAlO3:Nd single crystals. Optical Materials, vol.12, no.1, May 1999, pp.75-81
Durygin A, Matkovski A, Sugak D, Frukacz Z, Suchocki A. Spectroscopy of color centers in yttrium-aluminium perovskite crystals. Journal of Alloys & Compounds, vol.275-277, 24 July 1998, pp.365-8.
Sugak DY, Matkovskii AO, Grabovskii VV, Prokhorenko VI, Suchocki A, Durygin AM, Solskii IM, Shakhov AP. Influence of the gamma -radiation on the generation characteristics of the YAlO3:Nd crystals. Acta Physica Polonica A, vol.93, no.4, April 1998, pp.643-8.
Kaczmarek SM, Sugak DJ, Matkovskii AO, Moroz Z, Kwasny M, Durygin AN. Radiation induced recharging of cerium ions in Nd,Ce:Y3Al5O12 single crystals. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials & Atoms, vol.132, no.4, 1 Dec. 1997, pp.647-52.
Kaczmarek S, Kopczynski K, Lukasiewicz T, Durygin AN, Solskii IM. Neodymium doped GGG laser compared with YAP, SLGO and YAG lasers.Proceedings of Spie vol.3179, 1997, pp.263-7.
Sugak DYu, Matkovskii AO, Suchocki A, Durygin AN, Kaczmarek S, Kopczynski K, Frukacz Z, Swiatek K, Gaba VM. The influence of gamma -radiation on optical and lasing properties of YAP-Er single crystals. SPIE-Int. Proceedings of Spie vol.3178, 1997, pp.290-4.
Matkovskii AO, Sugak DYu, Durygin AN, Oliinyk VYa, Kaczmarek S, Kopczynski K, Frukacz Z, Pracka I, Lukasiewicz T. Radiation effects in laser crystals Proceedings of Spie vol.3178, 1997, pp.273-8
Kaczmarek S, Kopczynski K, Lukasiewicz T, Frukacz Z, Piramidowicz R, Matkovskii AO, Sugak DYu, Durygin AN. Influence of gamma-radiation on active materials. Proceedings of Spie, vol.3186, 1997, pp.44-50.
Frukacz Z, Lukasiewicz T, Matkowskii A, Pracka I, Sugak D, Solskii I, Vasylechko L, Durygin A. Effects of ionizing radiation on the optical absorption of LiNbO3 and YAlO3 single crystals. J Journal of Crystal Growth, vol.169, no.1, Nov. 1996, pp.98-101. Publisher: Elsevier, Netherlands.
Kaczmarek S, Matkovskii AO, Mierczyk Z, Kopczynski K, Sugak DYu, Durygin AN,Frukacz Z. Possibility of gamma-induced sensibilization process in rare-earth doped YAG crystals. Acta Physica Polonica A, vol.90, no.2, Aug. 1996, pp.285-93.
Matkovskii AO, Sugak DYu, Durygin AN, Kaczmarek S, Kopczynski K, Mierczyk Z, Frukacz Z, Lukasiewicz T, Shakhov AP. Effect of ionizing radiation on optical and lasing properties of Y3Al5O12 single crystals doped with Nd, Er, Ho, Tm, Cr ions. Optical Materials, vol.6, no.4, Nov. 1996, pp.353-8
Vasylechko L, Akselrud L, Matkovskii A, Sugak D, Durygin A, Frukacz Z, Lukasiewicz T. Crystal structure of the compound Y0.5Er0.5AO3. Journal of Alloys & Compounds, vol.242, no.1-2, 15 Sept. 1996, pp.18-21.
Kumar, Sushant Drozd, Vadym, Durygin, Andriy, Saxena, Surendra K., 2015 Method and System for Sequestering Carbon Dioxide and Producing Hydrogen Gas, US Patent 2015015278
Upal Roy, Vadym Drozd, Madhavan Nair, Surendra K. Saxena, Andriy Durygin, Nanodiamond compositions and their use for drug delivery, 2017, US Patent 9616022
Eduin Yesid Mora Mendoza, Vadym Drozd, Andriy Durygin, Surendra K. Saxena , Methods for carbon dioxide capture, 2020 US Patent US10549232B1
Eduin Yesid Mora Mendoza, Vadym Drozd, Andriy Durygin, Surendra K. Saxena METHODS FOR CARBON DIOXIDECAPTURE, Mar . 9 , 2021 Patent No .: US 10,940,433 B2

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