A Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering provides students with the background suitable for employment in a wide variety of fields, including the energy industry, manufacturing, robotics, and mechatronics, etc. It is also excellent preparation for graduate studies in Engineering, Medicine, or Business Administration.
Mechanical Engineers innovate in various fields from Nanotechnology to Aerospace Engineering. Be the one to design the future with a degree in Mechanical Engineering!
Mechanical Engineering B.S.
The Bachelor of Science (BS) in Mechanical Engineering is designed to give the student a thorough understanding of the basic laws of science in any of the following major areas: a) Fluid/Thermal Science, b) Mechanics Materials and Design, or c) Design, Robotics, and Manufacturing. The program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) of ABET.
Degree Requirements
The curriculum consists of 128 credit hours. Lower division requirements include at least 60 hours of pre-engineering credits. Up to 90 academic credits may be transferred from an ABET accredited institution of higher education. In addition, all students must meet the University Foreign Language Requirement and must meet all of the state and university requirements for graduation.
Mechanical Engineering Curriculum Flowchart
Interactive Mechanical Engineering Curriculum Flowchart

We are part of the FIU College of Engineering and Computing, one of the top engineering schools in Florida and in the country.
Careers and Salaries
Potential Salaries and Demand
Florida Projected Growth (2019-2029): +14%
Florida Median Yearly Income (2019) : $88,420 annual
National Median Yearly Income (2019) :$92,390 annual
Potential Careers
There is an increasing need for mechanical engineers, with high technology industries paving the way. Almost every innovation and new design in science, engineering and even business involves mechanical engineering. This is a broad and continously evolving field giving you high job security and new challenges, both professional and academic, along the way for individuals striving to keep their skills and expertise current.
Potential careers include:
Mechanical Engineer, Aerospace Engineer, Nanotechnology Engineer, Chemical Engineer, Marine Engineer, Naval Architect, Automotive Engineer, Bioengineering Applications, Alternative Energy, Operation Research Engineer, Thermal Engineer, Material Engineer, Design Engineer Sales Engineer

Tracks & Specializations
- Metals and Alloys
- Electronic Materials
- Ceramics
- Polymers and Biomaterials
- Nanomaterials
- Advanced Materials Engineering Research Institute (AMERI) https://ameri.fiu.edu/
- Center for Study of Matter under Extreme Conditions (CeSMEC) https://cesmec.fiu.edu/
- Plasma Forming Lab https://pfl.fiu.edu/

Please review the admission requirements and the graduation requirements below and contact an advisor if you need more information.
Need help? Get in touch
For more information, please contact:
Dr. Kevin Boutsen
Undergraduate Program Director
Office: EC 3236
Phone: (305) 348-9943
Email: kboutsen@fiu.edu
Dr. Carmen Muller-Karger Pereda
Undergraduate Program Co-Director
Office: EC 3362
Phone: (305) 348-1635
Email: cmullerk@fiu.edu