Alicia Boymelgreen
Assistant Professor
Research interests: Micro/Nanofluidics, Lab-on-a-chip, Soft Matter, Active colloids, Micro/nanoscale cargo transport and delivery, Electrochemical sensing, Janus particles, Electrokinetics.
Office hours: Tuesday, 1:00-2:00 pm

Darryl Dickerson
Assistant Professor
Research interests: Mechanical characterization of biological interfaces, design of bioinspired materials, modeling of biological interfaces, natural biopolymer-metal complexation, model-informed in vivo bioreactor biomaterial design, biophysical control of induced pluripotent cells

Vladimir A. Pozdin
Assistant Professor Secondary Appointment
Research Interests: Wearable health monitoring, In-situ sensing, Flexible electronics

Stephen D. Secules
Assistant Professor Secondary Appointment
Research interests: Equity, inclusion, and marginalization in education. Learning sciences, sociocultural learning theories. Ethnography and interaction analysis methodologies. Undergraduate engineering educational culture. New paradigms for co-curricular support Critical whiteness and masculinity studies.

Aaron Tallman
Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Computational modeling metal mechanics at the single-crystal and polycrystalline scale, Uncertainty Quantification in computational plasticity models, with multi-scale data, Surrogate and Reduced Order Modeling of crystal plasticity and mesoscale materials models.
office hours: Tuesday and Thursday, 3:30-5 pm