Advanced Ceramics Group
Educating next generation scientists and engineers with expertise in advanced ceramic science and engineering and promoting awareness of ceramics and related fields among undergraduate students and the general South Florida community
Principal Investigator
Research conducted in the Advanced Functional Materials laboratory focuses on advanced materials that are functionalized through chemical, biochemical, and physical methods, towards their application in the following areas: Flexible optoelectronics, Naturally occurring polymers, Theranostics, Catalysts for biofuels synthesis and carbon dioxide mitigation, Sensors for environmental applications, 3D Printing of nanomaterials.
AMERI: Advanced Materials Engineering Research Institute
Motorola Nanofabrication Research Facility
AMERI specializes in nano-technology, nano-fabrication, biosensors, carbon nanotubes and nanowires, micro fuel cells and batteries, electronic materials, ceramics, polymers, biomaterials, metals and alloys, and composite materials.
Battery Research Laboratory
The laboratory specializes in the development of electrode and electrolyte materials for batteries. The laboratory has capabilities for prototyping (coin and pouch), benchmarking (cycle life, capacity retention, and failure mechanism), and safety assessment (abusive testing) of conventional and emerging battery systems that include lithium-ion, lithium-sulfur, and lithium-air batteries.
Center for the Study of Matter under Extreme Conditions
CESMEC specializes in developing and testing new materials for ultra high temperatures and pressures.
Composites Laboratory
The Composite Laboratory specializes in Structure-to-Property Relationships, Design of Materials, Analysis Methods, and Material Systems Expertise.
Corrosion Laboratory
At the FSI lab, we are engaged in projects at the intersection of fluid dynamics and computational mechanics. The research conducted in this laboratory is mainly concerned with the stability analysis of flexible structures interacting with fluid flow, bio-inspired design of aero vehicles, the evolutionary study of designs in nature, and innovative energy harvesting methods.
Engineering Manufacturing Center (EMC)
The Engineering Manufacturing Center provides technical expertise in manufacturing to anyone in need of assistance. Typically the center supports researchers, graduate and undergraduate students with projects requiring high-precision quality fabrication and requiring expert technical guidance.
Fluid Structure Interaction Lab
At the FSI lab, we are engaged in projects at the intersection of fluid dynamics and computational mechanics. The research conducted in this laboratory is mainly concerned with the stability analysis of flexible structures interacting with fluid flow, bio-inspired design of aero vehicles, the evolutionary study of designs in nature, and innovative energy harvesting methods.
Interdisciplinary Microfluidics Lab (IML)
Research at the IML traverses the fields of fluid mechanics, colloid science, soft matter, electrical engineering, nanotechnology and machine learning to advance the fundamental understanding of microfluidic systems and develop new applications for these technologies using a combination of theory, numerics and experiment. Currently our group is working on projects ranging from the application of microfluidic systems to environmental studies in marine biology to fundamental research on the individual and collective motion of active colloids.
Mechatronics Laboratory
Established by Dr. Tansel in 1990. Currently, the research is focused on the application of the structural health monitoring (SHM) methods for the additively manufactured parts. The group recently developed sensorless SHM systems by using the heterodyne effect. The lab has several additive manufacturing equipment and manufacture polymer parts for the students for various projects. The group also works on the modeling of metal cutting process and automatic monitoring of the manufacturing operations.
NASA Center for Research and Education in 2D Optoelectronics (CRE2DO)
Center Director and Principal Investigator
CRE2DO’s primary goal is to develop cutting-edge technologies that integrate 2D materials in space-resilient infrastructure materials, communication devices, and small satellite technology. The nanomaterials enhance reliability of mechanical and electrical components in spaceship devices and wearable electronics. The superconductor materials developed by CRE2DO aim to eliminate the need for battery power, while the material composites could be used in the infrastructure for spaceship components destined for Mars, and on wearable electronics placed inside space suits to enable high-speed communication by astronauts back to the space station.
Center Director and Principal Investigator
U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) Partnerships for Research and Education in Materials (PREM) grant was awarded FIU to increase diversity and promote greater inclusion of underrepresented minority groups and women in cutting-edge materials research, education, and professions. Materials engineering is central to the growth, prosperity, security, and quality of life of people, as it is new materials that open the door to new technologies, whether they are in civil, chemical, construction, nuclear, aeronautical, agricultural, mechanical, biomedical, or electrical engineering.
Together, they will explore the fundamental and practical aspects of materials with atomic thickness, also known as two-dimensional (2D) materials. The students will engage in highly innovative materials research, which seeks advancements in sensor technology, secure communication, quantum computing, and advanced phenomena simulation.
PFL: Plasma Forming Laboratory
The Plasma laboratory provides excellent experimental research facilities for hot and cold plasma deposition, thermal barrier coating, anti-corrosion coating, bulk metallic glasses manufacturing and characterization.
Robotics & Automation Laboratory
The group focuses on a variety of topics including mechatronic design of robotic and automation systems, implementation of fault tolerance to mechanical systems, fault-tolerant design, fault recovery systems, development of modular architectures, intelligent controllers, robotics technology for waste site operations, design of very light robots, long-reach arm development, biomedical use of robotics technology and teleoperation systems.